We greatly value the support of green industry suppliers, manufacturers and service providers. There are many ways to become involved with CTASLA as an advertiser or sponsor. Companies interested in reaching Connecticut’s landscape architects may...
Advertise in Connecticut Landscape Architecture - Download the 2024 rate sheet
A perfect-bound, full-color book, Connecticut Landscape Architecture includes gorgeous spreads of our annual award-winning projects and other content related to our profession, including a member-driven “Design Talk” section. Published in Spring and Fall, this book also includes advertisements from product and service suppliers. Total distribution: 2,000+ plus additional digital views. See back issues and a list of advertisers from our Spring 2023 edition.
Advertise in our bi-weekly email newsletter - Download the rate sheet
Increase sales leads and support your brand by placing your company logo or product photo in our e-newsletter (sample issue). Published approximately every other week, the newsletter is an essential source of information for our members and friends. Jump in for a month, or enjoy discounts for longer insertions.
Become a CTASLA Directory or Home Page Sponsor - Download our rate sheet
List your company on our Products & Services page for $300 per year (additional categories $60.) Or post your logo with a link to your website on our home page for six months for $1200. Help specifiers find your products and services online. Discounted pricing for our print advertisers!
Sponsor one of our continuing education programs
We welcome your support to help underwrite continuing education workshops and seminars; see our Program Page for past CEU events including webinars. Contact programs@ctasla.org for more information.
Thank you for your support of the Connecticut Chapter of ASLA! We greatly value the partnerships we build with vendors and encourage our members to thank you with their patronage.