It is time for our annual election of the CTASLA Executive Committee. The 2023-2024 term of office begins in the fall, upon conclusion of the Conference on Landscape Architecture in October. Full and Associate members are eligible to vote on the slate of candidates who will serve as officers for the coming year. Ballots have been provided via email on Friday, July 28; the link provided will be unique to you!

We still have vacancies to fill and would welcome your participation on the Executive Committee as President-Elect or Member-at-Large! You can use the "Write-In" function to add your name when you cast your Ballot or contact to learn more. Candidates for the 2023-2024 Executive Committee: President-elect: (no nominations) Vice President: Sean Ragan Member-at-Large (four positions available): Joseph Aveni, Jesse Harris
Continuing on the ExComm for 2023-2024: President: Rachel Meier Past-President: Ellen Fallon-Senechal Trustee: Barbara Yaeger Secretary: Allison Cassella Treasurer: Katherine Day Member-at-Large: Kate Montgomery, Cynthia Reynolds
Looking for other ways to participate? Our committee is always welcoming more volunteers and would love to discuss ways that you can make your mark on Connecticut landscape architecture. Contact to explore these opportunities TODAY!

The 2022-2023 ASLA Connecticut Executive Committee at our annual retreat (join us, we're a fun group...)!