The Connecticut Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (CT ASLA) is hosting a design charrette in Bridgeport in partnership with the UCONN School of Landscape Architecture. Students, professional landscape architects, and community members will come together on October 22, November 10 and December 10 to create,
imagine and discuss opportunities for the Bridgeport Waterfront Pathway. This effort is supported by a grant of technical assistance from the National Park Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA). The National Park Service has partnered with communities and supported design charrettes with ASLA chapters all over the United States for over twenty years.
The National Park Service RTCA program is currently supporting a waterfront pathway working group that is a partnership between the City of Bridgeport, Groundwork Bridgeport, and the Trust for Public Land, and is informed by the Bridgeport Waterfront Advisory Board, a group of dedicated citizens to the waterfront in Bridgeport. This design charrette will focus on creating people-friendly spaces in Bridgeport, especially for youth and Bridgeport
residents. The design teams will be tasked with creating places that we can enjoy very soon while protecting the waterfront from climate change well into the future.
This design charrette grows out of the work that has already been done to envision a new waterfront pathway in Bridgeport. You can read about it in Bridgeport’s Waterfront Master Plan:
To learn more about the waterfront pathway, check out the Trust for Public Land’s Storymap:
For more information, please contact Stephanie Stroud: