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The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) offers a range of valuable benefits, all designed to give you the resources and tools to expand your business and career. The Connecticut chapter (CTASLA) offers numerous benefits for student, associate, full, and emeritus members including professional advancement, education, enrichment, advocacy and public awareness.
Not a member of ASLA yet? Already a member of another chapter? Contact ASLA to take advantage of our special member rates for our popular programs and other membership benefits. Monthly payment plans are available to spread out the costs of dues over 12 equal payments; see the PDF or Word documents to the right.

Complimentary entrance or reduced fees to monthly networking events.
Member rate on job advertisements on the ASLA website and CTASLA Job Board.
Opportunities to advance your own career through volunteering and showcasing your expertise with chances to actually affect change.
Leadership Training through professional leadership training sessions, speaking opportunities, committee leadership and mentorship.
Networking opportunities with affiliate organizations such as AIA, APA, and others which can lead to business advancement and project opportunities.
Networking opportunities with your peers providing a framework for continued communication and a catalog of shared experiences and information.
Monthly e-newsletter alerting you to events and local news.
Juried Professional and Students Awards programming recognizing projects with the distinction of Merit Awards, Honor Awards, and Awards of Excellence. These awards, along with all submitted, are housed on the CTASLA website to increase your own marketing opportunities and presented in front of your peers at our annual holiday party.
Access to answers and information on local issues, membership questions and CEU inquiries.
Use of the ASLA professional designation. The exclusive ASLA credential shows clients and peers a commitment to the highest level of professionalism, which gives individuals an important competitive edge.
Participation in a choice of 20 Professional Practice Networks (PPN) to support your business and provide opportunities for professionals in the same areas of practice to exchange information and network with each other.
Contribution opportunities to The Dirt and The Field blogs reaching a wide and diverse audience of American and international elected officials, planners, and design professionals.
Standard Form Contracts developed to meet your needs by incorporating up-to-date critical elements of instruments of service.
Reduced Rates on JobLink and free posting of internship ads.
Free posting for your resume.
Free FirmFinder profile for every landscape architecture firm that employs an ASLA member.
Custom Salary Survey Report covering salaries, bonuses, total compensation, and benefits for landscape architecture positions in the private, public, and academic sectors

Opportunities to earn 25+ CEUs per year that are curated for an Connecticut audience.
Free LARE Review sessions for chapter members.
Free Emerging Professionals networking and social events for chapter members.
Complimentary subscription to The Connecticut Landscape Architect and Annual magazines.
Early notifications of job opportunities through the CTASLA Job Board and e-newsletter.
ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture designed with you in mind: earn PDH while connecting with thousands of landscape architects and learning about emerging trends with up to a 43% discount on registration.
Subscription to the Landscape Architecture Magazine.
Land Newsletter, a bi-monthly newsletter that features ASLA news and opportunities.
On-Line Learning created by ASLA.
On-Line LARE Prep offering a wealth of resources for members, including practice questions and webinars.
Professional Development Course Records maintained, viewable and printable through the Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System™ (LA CES).
Free Landscape Architecture Technical Information Series (LATIS) reports and save 33% on exams.
Access to Affinity Partners providing reduced costs to Health Coverage, Insurance, Legal Advice, Office Depot, UPS, Car Rental and several others covering personal and professional services.

Representation by a professional lobbyist employed by the Connecticut Chapter in our House and Senate on such key issues as licensure, transportation and green infrastructure along with reports to members on critical local issues.
Outreach to federal lawmakers through ASLA Advocacy day each spring and site tour advocacy events.
Opportunity to participate in CTASLA Statehouse day advocacy day.
Participation in World Landscape Architecture Month every April to continue to educate the general public about the profession.
Representation in Congress and federal agencies on such key issues as licensure, transportation and green infrastructure.
Access to iAdvocate creating direct impact on issues through letters personalized to your legislators – all you need to do is click and sign.
Invitation to attend a National Advocacy Day with your peers in Washington DC.
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