
Chapter logos through the years
1952-54 George Yarwood
1956-57 Arthur Hoffman
1960 Helene Warner
1961 Robert Heck
1962 Mary Edwards
1963-64 Harold Perkins
1967 Thayer Chase
1969-70 Allen Hixon
1971-72 James Block
1973-74 Ray Craigin
1975-76 Jeff Gebrian
1977 Robert Kent
1978-79 William A. Rutherford
1980-81 Edward C. Cape
1982-83 Dean Johnson
1984-85 Cathyann Plumer
1986-87 Dickson DeMarche
1988 Richard Kent
1989 Desiree Darling
1990 David Golebiewski
1991 James Donovan
1992 Keith Simpson
1993 Channing Harris
1994 James Tate
1995-96 Whitney Talcott
1997 Christopher Ferrero
1998 Tom Tavella
1999 Norma Williams
2000 Rob Clapper
2001-03 Tom Tavella
2004-05 Rod Cameron
2006 Aris Stalis
2007 Brian Robinson/Rod Cameron
2008 Rod Cameron
2009 Jane Didona
2010 Bill Pollack
2011 Jeff Olszewski
2012 Eric Rains
2013 David Verespy
2014-16 Barbara Yaeger
2016-18 Debra De Vries-Dalton
2019 Thomas Hammerberg
2020 Oliver Gaffney
2021 Matthew Verry
2022 Dan Granniss
The Connecticut Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (CTASLA) began in February 1948 with nine founding members:
Theodosia Burr
Edgar Beaumont
Marianne Dean
Thomas Henry Desmond
Arthur Hoffman
Frederick Davis
Helen Tilapaugh (Jones)
Helene B. Warner
George Yarwood
Together, they spent the first several years drafting bylaws and laying the groundwork for the mission and operating structure of the chapter. In 1952, George Yarwood began serving as its first elected President.
ASLA held its 65th Annual Meeting in Hartford in June of 1965. Momentum from the event helped the chapter establish the case for statewide licensure which was enacted by the legislature in 1968. The chapter received its first national-level VP with Richard Dee in 1973.
CTASLA began sharing the New Haven office space of CSA-AIA in 1980. That same year, the current Executive Board structure with members and officers was adopted.
During the 1981-1982 legislative session, the chapter successfully defeated a sunset bill for the profession thanks to support from State Rep. Nancy Johnson and State Senator Amelia Mustone. To increase awareness of landscape architecture, CTASLA prepared a public exhibit of work by state landscape architects, which ran for two years at libraries, museums, banks and several universities. Additionally, the chapter cosponsored the first Public Spaces Awards
In 1985, CTASLA was again represented on the national level with the election of Dean Johnson as VP for Finance. The Connecticut Landscape Architect (CTLA) began regular publication in 1986 as a modest newsletter. In early 1987, practitioners located in Rhode Island split off from the chapter to form an independent RIASLA. Later in the year, CTASLA conferred its first Yarwood Award to Bob Gregan.
The chapter Handbook launched in 1992, providing the definitive listing of Chapter members and other pertinent state information. The Connecticut Olmsted Award program also began that same year with Dr. Richard Goodwin receiving the inaugural honor.
In 1995, Vincent McDermott became the first chapter members to be elected President of CLARB. The chapter launched the Connecticut Design Awards program that fall. The CTASLA.org website went live in 1996, offering basic program and chapter contact information.
Thanks to the efforts of numerous chapter members, legislative modifications to Public Act 97-174, an Act Concerning Landscape Architecture became law in 1997. The chapter hosted its first Golf Outing benefit in 1998, and the University of Connecticut program becomes accredited. Continuing education requirements for landscape architects were added to state regulations in 1999.
The chapter bylaws and constitution received an update in 2001. The college scholarship program was established in 2002. Jeff Mills became the first Executive Director for the chapter in 2004, offering email listserve updates and online event registration.
Public Act 05-179 of 2005 established April 26th of each year as “Frederick Law Olmsted Day”.

Connecticut ASLA at 1965 Annual Meeting, Hartford, CT
Back Row: James Block, Margaret Osborn Hall
Second Row: Stan Geda, Thayer Chase, William Green, Helen Russell Barnes, Theodosia Burr, Mary Edwards
Front Row: William Rutherford, Harold Perkins (President), Lynn Harris, Helene B. Warner, Joan Clasio
From June 27th to 30th of 1965, the Connecticut chapter hosted ASLA's Annual Meeting in Hartford. The theme was Space for Survival and focused on how the state was an experimental laboratory for urban renewal plans in both Hartford and New Haven as implemented by the Johnson Administration. Walking tours of Constitution Plaza and other downtown sites featured prominently. Technical lectures alluded to this theme with titles such as "Space for Highways", "Space for Recreation" and Space for City Parks".
The agenda also included tours of new work on university campuses including Yale and Wesleyan as well as tours of the grounds at Hill-Stead Museum, Elizabeth Park, and Miss Porter's School.
At the Wadsworth Atheneum, the Connecticut Chapter hosted an exhibit on Frederick Law Olmsted. The drawings and other items of interest were intended to acquaint visiting landscape architects with the history and context of how Hartford played an important role in Olmsted's career.
The chapter was well-represented among the speakers and session leaders. Harold Perkins, William Rutherford, George Yarwood, Stan Geda, Thayer Chase, and Helen Russell Barnes contributed their expertise and time towards making the meeting a success. This was the first and only annual meeting hosted by the chapter.