Licensed Landscape Architects in the State of Connecticut are required to participate in continuing education programs in order to maintain licensure, as established by Public Act 97-174. This page is intended to provide our members with background information about continuing education requirements.
Regulations require each licensed landscape architect to obtain 24 continuing education units (CEUs) within each two-year period. As a result of Public Act 21-37 effective October 1, 2021, these credits must be completed no later than April 30th of any even-numbered year.
Six of these 24 continuing education units shall be earned by attendance at live presentations. One continuing education unit is the equivalent of one contact hour (50 minutes of instruction) of technical presentation acceptable to the Board of Landscape Architects. In addition, each one-hour lecture given by a licensee may count as six contact hours. As a guideline, the Board will generally deem acceptable presentations on any technical aspect of the profession (not office management or business development) that relates to the general health, safety and welfare of the public.
It is the obligation of licensees to maintain a record of their participation in continuing education programs. CTASLA neither endorses nor approves programs with regards to their satisfaction of the continuing education requirements for licensure. Similarly, the Board does not pre-approve educational programs, except for "self-guided" courses or individual research.
Please see the related correspondence from the Department of Consumer Protection for a list of approved subject material and more detailed information about CEU requirements. Additional information is available on the Department's website. Questions should be directed to the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection at
For a current listing of educational programs offered by CTASLA and select other organizations that may qualify for continuing education credits, please see our Calendar.
For more information about continuing education programs offered by The Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB), or for information about the Landscape Architect Registration Examination (L.A.R.E.), see or call (703) 319-8380.
In addition, the following organizations may offer continuing education programs of interest to landscape architects:
AIA Connecticut
AIA Continuing Education Programs
Bartlett Arboretum & Gardens
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
The City College of NY, School of Architecture
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Connecticut Association of Conservation & Inland Wetlands Commissions (CACIWC)
Connecticut Association of Flood Managers
Connecticut Association of Golf Course Superintendents (CAGCS)
Connecticut Association of Wetland Scientists (CAWS)
Connecticut Association of Zoning Enforcement Officials
Connecticut Botanical Society
Connecticut Building Congress
Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association (CCAPA)
Connecticut Chapter, Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM)
Connecticut Chapter of the Northeast Organic Farming Association
Connecticut College Arboretum
Connecticut Council of Small Towns
Connecticut Forest and Park Association (CFPA)
Connecticut Green Building Council (CTGBC)
Connecticut Grounds Keepers Association (CGKA)
Connecticut Horticultural Society
Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group (CIPWG)
Connecticut Irrigation Contractors Association (CICA)
Connecticut Land Conservation Council
Connecticut League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
Connecticut Main Street Center
Connecticut Nursery & Landscape Association
Connecticut Parks Association
Connecticut Real Estate Exchange
Connecticut Recreation & Parks Association (CRPA)
Connecticut River Watershed Council
Connecticut Tree Protective Association (CTPA)
Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation
Connecticut Urban Forest Council, Inc. (CUFC)
Construction Institute
Ecological Landscaping Alliance
Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc.
The Garden Conservancy
Harvard Design School, Department of Landscape Architecture
Hixon Center for Urban Ecology
Mad Gardeners
National Association for Olmsted Parks
New England Park Association
New England Wild Flower Society
New York Botanical Garden
Northeastern Weed Science Society
Project for Public Spaces
Regional Plan Association
Rhode Island Nursery and Landscape Association
Rhode Island School of Design Landscape Architecture Program
The Rockfall Foundation
Tree Wardens Association of Connecticut
University of Connecticut Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR)
University of Connecticut Extension Master Gardener Program
University of Connecticut Landscape Architecture Program
University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension Program
University of Massachusetts Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning Program
University of Rhode Island Landscape Architecture Program
Urban Resources Initiative
Weir Farm National Historic Site
Yale Urban Design Workshop