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Since its founding in 1948, CTASLA has had a set of bylaws and a constitution that govern how the chapter conducts business. Taken together, they provide guidance on requirements for membership and voting privileges; the election of board members and officers; the prudent management of funds and financial obligations; collection of dues; and responsibilities of chapter committees.

With the affirmative vote of membership, these documents may be amended or revised to meet the changing needs of the chapter. As of 2019, there have been several amendments approved:


1. Dues schedule (Bylaws Section 506-508) amended, after notification to the membership, by vote of the Executive Committee on July 10, 2006.


2. Section 826 modified, to handle Trustee vacancy, by vote of the        membership on July 9, 2007.


3. Sections 701-801 modified, to accommodate student affiliate chapters, by vote of the Executive Committee on January 14, 2008.


4. Section 505 modified by vote of the Executive Committee on May 10, 2010.


5. Dues schedule (Bylaws Section 506-508) amended, after notification to the membership, by vote of the Executive Committee on July 11, 2011.

6. Constitution Articles 5 & 8 and Bylaws Article 8 amended, after majority vote by the membership, to allow Associate Members to hold all Executive Committee positions with the exception of Trustee.

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